Gamified Learning
ESG Board Game
ESG Concept + Board Game + City Building Simulation
About The Game
ESG Board Game - EK City Blueprint
"EK City Blueprint" is an ESG-themed city-building simulation board game set in the model city. Players take on roles such as economic companies, health companies, environmental companies, NGOs, and government units, collaborating to address environmental, social, and economic crises. Each role utilizes unique resources and expertise to achieve sustainable development goals. The game emphasizes resource management, crisis response, and cooperation, allowing players to experience and learn how to collectively build a prosperous, harmonious, and eco-friendly society, enhancing awareness and engagement with sustainable development objectives.
2024 JCI East Kowloon President &
3CForge Ltd. Founder
Chris Chan
ESG Education
Gamified Learning
Global Leaderboard
ESG Boardgame - Showcase
The aim of "EK City Blueprint" is to educate and provide basic ESG concepts and ideas to people who are not familiar with ESG through gamified learning. The game offers a fun and immersive learning experience that helps players understand the importance of sustainable development.
The vision of "EK City Blueprint" is to provide training to different age groups, including secondary school students, university students, the general public, and corporate training sessions. By engaging a wide audience, the project seeks to enhance awareness and engagement with ESG principles across various sectors of society.
Game Resources
Players must manage resources such as money, technology points, human resources, and raw materials. Resource allocation is crucial for completing projects and responding to crises.
Project Game Card
We already developed Over 200+ Different Project Cards!!!
Players take on different roles: economic companies, health companies, environmental companies, NGOs, and government units. Each role has unique resources and expertise, requiring cooperation to achieve common goals.
Past Events
Training x Education x ESG Game